Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Super City Seat 2"

What are your thoughts?


  1. I think it is offencive but very true but i wonder who wrote it because i would like to know what they would say because i think they would have a very strong opinion about this.

  2. I am glad maori didn't get a seat in the election because we are one country and this is 1 person 1 vote. This is not race it is basedon the best person for the job.

  3. I dont even know why they had this seat election with maori because they are just another party.

  4. i agree with what aaron is saying

  5. this comment is preety true but the moari shouldn't worry about because i don't really see a change coming.

  6. sam it sounds like to me that your comments are racist is that correct or have i misunderstood you

  7. if the moari want a change they should make a vote or leave it for a very important and powerfull moari person to it sort out.

  8. I am really happy that moari did not get a seat since I think even though if Moari get a seat I don't think anything is going to change. And whats the point having a Moari getting a seat. I like the way it is now.

  9. Sam Obviously would want a seat because they have the right aswell as all New Zealanders. Why do you say you are glad that Moari did not get a seat?

  10. Aaron How does this come in our conversation?

  11. i agree with every part of the cartooon except the part when it said that the pakiaas have not changed in 170 years becuase the technologe changed the way maoris lived also the europens affected moari's life

  12. Anubhav in answer to your question it relates to our discussion because i am wondering what the editor or person who created this cartoon feels and what they want out this "super city".

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i don't think they should get seats because if they do then the samoan will start argueing amd then maybe the chineese that live in Nz will start a protest just like the maori have done

  15. I disagree Gen even technology cannot get over our prejudice over Maori

  16. I think all of you have no reason that the maori's shouldn't get a seat i think you just don't like moari's

  17. I also disagree nick because the Chinese should be happy about Pansy Wong and other asian MPs who unlike the moaris have worked hard for their seat in parliment

  18. i mean when the samoan see that they do get seats the will start saying "oh come on if they can get seats we should get seats too"

  19. i think the maori should work for the seats like what every one else does.

  20. I don't think so Nick the maori's are the rightful owners of the land and to exclude them so badly is like an offense to them

  21. i know what you mean will but could you explain that in more depth

  22. I think that it is raciest that the Maroi party was excluted from getting a seat in the election

  23. I agree with you Joe because I think that alot of Maroi's are lazy and just sit around all day and not working

  24. I mean that they gave the land to us and they should have some say. Like if you and I were to share a cookie I would want some of it too.

  25. Ethan are you assuming that all maori's are lazy?

  26. only the ones that don't work and go to jail because of becoming bankrupt

  27. I think that some maori's are lazy especially when it comes to politicts and parliment and I think other maori's are very kind and cary and work there butt off to get food on the table so I think that maori should get at leats 1 seat in the new super city but think the maori's in parliment at the moment need to work a lot harder because at the moment they are quite lazy.

  28. Ethan your last comment doesnt make sense to me could you explain it in more depth please?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This one is my thoughts sir! jimmy you have misunderstood what i was saying. I was not being racist im just saying this is not all about the race, you could be a white person and still be in the maori party. Its about the best person for the job. OK!

  31. ethan i think maori should get a seat as long as they will work hard to go into parliment not seats for them without working. do you like the goverment to be fair? if the moaris don't have the power to be part of parlament they shouldn't get the seats. the goverment shouldn't say how many seats are just for the maoris and so on, it isn't fair

  32. Ethan the one about you thinking its racist that maori were excluded. I dont agree with you that its racist. Its just know body wants them because their not good enough.

  33. Gen I agree with you because they should work hard if they get a seat. But if they dont they should never get a seat.

  34. i didn't mean that william, i was saying that the cars, the planes and all that got introduced from other places so it affected the culture the moaris used to have

  35. thats true Aaron but I don't think I can explain it in more depth sorry

  36. anabhav i think things are going to change if the moaris get a seat because the maoris will want them to have more prioroties and get more money from the goverment

  37. anabhav, if the goverment uses more money on the moaris then the goverment either need more tax so the taxes are going to rise or the goverment has to use money from other stuff which will affect everyone because the goverment isn't using the money for other things

  38. i think rodney hide is just doing his job and it's a democtatic procces so they have to be voted in they can't just go straight through and get a seat

  39. This is a bit of a racist cartoon but it is true if you think about it.

  40. Maori shouldn't have a seat if they aren't the best for the job. But it's still offensive

  41. Rodney hide is just doing his job but has annoyed a lot of people in the process and has made himself an enemy of the moari party

  42. Well if that person hasn't gotten a seat, maybe he/she isn't trying hard enough or they aren't taking the right approach at this, they should take a different approach and see if that gets them anywhere

  43. I think sometimes it's hard to know the right thing to do for everybody and it's hard to make the right decision, maybe this is the right decision but the person doesn't agree

  44. It's up to the maori people to back there own people up in an election so they can ensure they do have a seat so they can voice their opinions

  45. Gen I get your point but when did I say that the goverment are going to use more money from? Any way how did this discussion come from when I wasn't even talking about it is going to be a waste of money giving a seat to Moari's.

  46. Anubhav why is it going to be a waste of money if we have moari's in the new super city?

  47. I agree with arron how is going to be a waste of money
